Prowl: They just don't see that the only way through a crisis is to remain calm and follow the chain of command. Hound's behavior ever since this Advent calendar nonsense has been eroding the command structure. Ironhind has always spoken his mind, but never disrespected a superior officer. The others look up to him. I just don't know what to do.

Prowl: I'm sorry. Here I am whining about my situation when your son is lost and alone. I'll head out on a patrol myself.

Momma Deer: Prowl, you've already done so much for me. I want you to relax. You won't be any good to anyone if you push yourself to exhaustion.
Prowl: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be offline for a little while.
Momma Deer: No, not at all.

Starscream's 'Secret' Lab...
Nightstick: The Autobots now have a second child and its caretaker. The projection is that a third child will be arriving today.
Starscream: The perfect opportunity to double our supply of test subjects. Astrotrain! Cyclonus! Prepare to intercept!

Astrotrain: Yes! I'm taking Vera. She's been looking to kick some Autobot tail for a while. Haven't you, beautiful?
Cyclonus: I'll bring Nightstick, but our relationship is purely professional.

The Advent Calendar...
Rocky: So I says, "I don't bleedin' care wha' it takes. Git me a packet a crisps or someone's gonna be 'ave me fist in 'is gob." Then, Bob's your uncle, Jimmy's your old man, I'm near swimmin' in crisps.
Hound: Ha ha! Your story could only be more amusing if I knew what you were talking about.

Jetfire: Not to be too alarming, but has anyone seen "Junior"?

Hound: We thought he was with you!
Rocky: That little nipper will be the death o' me, 'e will.
Jetfire: Hurry!

Cyclonus: That was just too easy.
Starscream: Let's hurry and get today's gift before they get back. We don't need to shoot it out with those fools.
Astrotrain: Speak for yourself.

Cyclonus: Nearly there.
Astrotrain: I bet I could take them both out from here.
Nightstick: Keep it in your holster, Astrotrain.

Astrotrain: He seems awfully big for a child.
Starscream: Well, he sure is curious. Look at him sniffing the ground.
Nightstick: Actually Boss, I think this is a...a...female.

Nightstick: Hey! Whoa!
Starscream: That must be a special salute.
Astrotrain: Nightstick's got a girl friend.
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