Nightstick: Okay. Okay! I'll talk. Just call off the organics, you sick freaks!

Hound: Hey, new guy! What are you doing here?

Mister Badger: Um, I'm a badger. You know, today's gift.

Hound: Sorry. With all the excitement I kind of forgot about you. Alright then. Spill it, Nightstick.

Nightstick: Starscream's looking to take control of this "ancient power" and use it to overthrow the Megatron and destroy the Autobots. The infant fleshlings from your calendar play into it, but I don't know how. Now get me outta here!

Starcream's 'Secret' Lab...
Starscream: Returning empty handed, Cyclonus? Did the infant prove too much for you?
Cyclonus: I was overwhelmed! They captured Nightstick. We have to go back!
Astrotrain: You left him. That's just wrong.
Cyclonus: No it is not. We are bad guys. We never stick our necks out for our comrades.
Astrotrain: Oh, come on!
Starscream: What? He's got a point.

Back at the Calendar...
Sunstreaker: Alright, rust buckets. Time to break it up. Commander Prowl says you're coming back, online or off.
Sideswipe: *whispers* Uh, he said not to hurt them.
Sunstreaker: *whispers* Shut your vocabulator. You will MOT ruin this for me.
Hound: Not now guys. We're in the middle of an interrogation. This could be the key to finding the missing deer not to mention the incite we can gain into the Decepticons' plans.

Sunstreaker: Oh, no. You coming with us NOW! All those smart-aft comments you made about us over the years are coming back to get you, Hound. Jetfire, I never trusted you. Once a 'Con always a 'Con.
Sideswipe: This is going to be great.

Hound: Idiots! You're willing to throw away an Innocent's life for a shot at revenge? Revenge for what? I called you jerks because you treated me like jerks. Besides, I think you've just been out maneuvered.

Sideswipe: Out maneu--?
Ironhide: Just put your hands up and make it easy on everyone.
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, just wishing you would try something.

Sideswipe: This sucks exhaust.
Sunstreaker: I hear ya, bro'. Who knew freak-o had so many friends?

Sideswipe: Friends that are now traitors, I might add!
Ironhide: You might. Just make sure Prowl knows to keep his nose outta here if he knows what's good for him.
Hound: Thanks for the assist everyone. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to hear what else our prisoner has to--

Hound: Oh, no.

Mister Badger: What!? We were supposed to keep our eyes glued to short stuff while all the drama was going down behind us? Please!
Rocky: Wot 'e said.
1 comment:
Looking for 16 and 17. Hope you didn't give up.
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