Sunstreaker: So, Prowl is somehow under the control of that fleshling. As much as I like tormenting Hound, this has to be put to a stop. Someone has to go in there and take her out.

Sideswipe: Agreed, but which one of us is it going to be. Sure, it's a chance at heroism, but it could be suicide. It would take a 'bot with a ton of nerves.

Sunstreaker: Or a total lack of sense.
Sideswipe: You're kidding! There's no way. Mirage has fried just about every circuit he's ever had.

Sunstreaker: And the problem with that is...?

Mirage: Dude! Sunstreaker, didn't see you there. Must 'a' been zonin'.
Sideswipe: This can't work.

The Advent Calendar...
Hound: I screwed up. I just wanted to know the meaning of Christmas and I end up getting a bunch of innocent Earth creatures kidnapped by Starscream. What was Santa thinking when he put me in charge of these precious gifts.

Hound: Okay, MOSTLY precious.

Hound: What am I going to do to make this right? We've captured the spy, but that deer is so cold he's working for his son's kidnappers. We'll never get him to talk.

Santa: Hound, why do you have Jerry tied up?
Hound: Because the last time I trusted the jerk he ran off and orchestrated a massive raid with the Decepticons.
Santa: Is that true?
Hound: You tell me. You're the one with "magical" good/bad discernment.
Santa: I'm sensing a lot of hostility.

Hound: Good, because I'm FEELING a lot of hostility. If it hasn't crossed your mind yet, I'm blaming most of this on YOU.
Santa: You were the one who wanted to find the true meaning of Christmas.

Hound: You have got to be joking! Is the true meaning of Christmas that no matter how hard you try to do the right thing, you're always going to fail? Because if it is, then message: received!
Santa: Actually, Hound--
Hound: Just get out. Get the Pit out of here!

Starscream's 'Secret' Lab...
Starscream: Well done everyone! We are just one more earth creature from fulfilling my plan.

Astrotrain: Yeehaw! Now we'll be in charge.
Cyclonus: No more meaningless drills.
Starscream: Soon we'll be masters of our own destinies.

Megatron: You three have to keep it down. We're trying to watch Burn Notice upstairs.

Megatron: Besides, didn't I tell you to put your coup attempt on hold.
Starscream: I'm sorry, "Lord" Megatron.
Starscream: Sorry you have to die!
Astrotrain: Uh....

Cyclonus (voice): This just got very...serious.
Astrotrain (voice): No slag!
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