Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advent, Day Six

Hound: Thanks for coming with me today--er, Skyfire?

Jetfire: Jetfire.

Hound: Jetfire. Sorry. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker can be such jerks. This stuff is impossible to get of once it heats up in the sun.

Jetfire: You needed me to escort you--with my full weaponry--because of some clear plastic sheeting?

Hound: You don't know what it's like being harassed by the brothers.

Jetfire: Excuse me? I was a Decepticon scientist. I could teach you a thing or two about being harassed by bots with sleek alt modes and bad attitudes.

Hound: We're here. Hey look! Grimlock left yesterday's present. Just some more food. Weird that I'd get so much food and nothing to feed it to.

Jetfire: Fascinating. I'm talking my helmet off. It's way stuffy in here.

Hound: You breath? I don't breath

Jetfire: Ah! Much better. You were saying?

Hound: Never mind. You see that? Today's gift opened itself!

Jetfire: Well, that means it's alive. That's why you got all the food.

Father Deer: Where's my son?

Hound: I'm sorry. Your what?

Father Deer: My child. He looks like me, but smaller.

Hound: Sorry, we're robots. We don't have families.

Jetfire: What about Sideswipe and Sunstreaker?

Hound: NOT NOW!

Father Deer: My boy is all I have. You must help me find him. I promised his mother on her death bed I'd look after him.

Jetfire: Wait! This all happened in the box?

Father Deer: It's not just a box--

Hound: We'll worry about that later. For now let's find your son.

At the Decepticon Headquarters...

Starscream: Now, little fleshling, your captivity will soon be over. Tell me the secret of the trans-dimensional box.

Baby Deer: Eep!

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