Bumblebee: So Hound is going to let any of us open the calendar now. He used to be so uptight about it.
Jetfire: That was before all the crazy stuff with the deer abduction, the Decepticons taking an interest, you 'bots coming out to help, and Prowl being an utter tool.

Jetfire: Not to mention the quality of the gifts is...spotty.
Bumblebee: I don't know, Jetfire. Those root vegetables and vermin look pretty sweet.
Jetfire: *laughs*

Bumblebee (voice): I can't imagine why anyone would harm these little critters. What good would it do anyone?

Starscream (voice): You always were a slow study, Jetfire. No wonder you took up with the Autobots.
Jetfire: Starscream, what is going on?

Starscream: It's what Earthlings call a stick up. We'll be taking the infants with us. If you cooperate, no one will get hurt.
Astrotrain: Even if you do, I might just let ol' Vera here do her thing. *laughs*

Starscream: You're a scientist Jetfire, not a warrior. Don't try to be a hero. Someone will just end up dead.

Hound: Don't let him goad you, Jetfire. The infants have to be protected. Let them go peacefully. We'll get them back.

Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, curse his tiny, useless arms!

Autobot Base...
Sideswipe: Prowl will know what we should do to bring in those--
Sunstreaker: Shhh....

Sunstreaker: *whispers* It's way to quiet in here.

Momma Deer: That's right, Prowl. Kneel before your mistress.
Prowl: As...you...wish.
Momma Deer: Soon, when the Chaos Bringer arrives we shall rule oblivion together, my slave.

Sunstreaker: *whispers* All off a sudden, the guys in the forest don't seem like such a big deal.
Sideswipe: *whispers* No, slag. Let's get the frak out of here!

Back at the Calendar...
Jetfire: How long has he been staring at the mice?
Bumblebee: Since the raid.
Jetfire: I hope he hasn't ceased up.
Bumblebee: More like he skipped a line of code.

Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, say we go get babies now.
Rocky: I'm wit'cha, Grim'. Dey don't know wha' dey stepped in, dat's fo' bleedin' sure!
Mister Badger: *growls*

Father Deer: You are one sorry lot. You couldn't hold on to your children when you had your best chance with them. What makes you think you can get them back before who-knows-what is done to them?

Ironhide: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we've got their spy. I swear, you people make me look like a ninja-bot.
1 comment:
You know it's bad when your mother tells her thirty-three year old son she hopes he starts playing with his toys again.
I've got the rest of the story plotted. The next two comics are photographed. I should be caught up by Sunday night.
In the mean time, take a look at new pics of Phoebe. I'm sure there will be more soon as she and I will be in the church pagent tomorrow.
I had a guy trying to advertise for free in my comments so I had to turn off anonymous posting. Just write your identity info. down on a piece of paper next to the computer.
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