Prowl: The other quadruped escaped last night, Hound. How do you explain that?
Hound: He probably decided to leave. He was a guest not a prisoner. Besides, how is this MY fault, Mr. Head of Security.
Prowl: That's Acting Commander while Optimus is away. You'd be wise to remember that.

Prowl: The way I see it, we've had two security breeches while you've been playing in the forest with your little project. Additionally, this poor creature's child has been kidnapped while it was under YOUR care. You're lucky I don't throw you in the brig!

Hound: Well ACTING commander, I think you're acting like an aft skid plate! The baby deer never came into my site. You're the one who prevented Grimlock from bringing him to me. The only reason I couldn't get him myself was your little hoodlums tied me up for giggles. When will you bring the hammer down on them?

Momma Deer: Can I just add that Jerry's choice in allies has always been bothersome to me. He only seems to associate with unsavory characters.

Hound: Frak this! Lady, you deserve the help you're gonna get from this bureaucrat.
Prowl: HOUND! Get back here and apologise to this earthling.
Hound: Ma'am, I'm sorry...Prowl is such and aft skid plate. I'm going to find your son.
Prowl: Don't bother coming back!

Decepticon Headquarters...
Megatron: I suppose you are wondering why I have assembled all of you. As some of you may already know, I normally allow my subordinates some degree of free reign. Some choose to use this freedom forwarding the Decepticon Empire with there own little projects. Some elect to spend the time on self improvement, striving to rise through the Decepticon ranks.

Megatron: There are still others who use their free time in hopeless plots to overthrow their commanders. Although some of you may think of this as betrayal, I must point out that--in fact--it is not. If a leader is foolish enough to be caught off his guard by a subordinate, he no longer deserves to lead. This seeming betrayal--as you can see--is in fact a honing of our ranks.

Megatron: However, with the recent activities in the forest surrounding the Autobots' base, I find that I have to insist that all coup plots be put on hold for the time being. We simply can't afford to have a potential power shift when our surroundings are so uncertain. Now, Seekers--your Air Commander, Starscream will brief you on your reconnaissance missions.... Starscream...? Starscream...?

Megatron: STARSCREAM!!
Starscream: What!?

Back at the Advent Calendar...
Hound: You are too good to me, Jetfire. When I stormed out of the base, I was sure I was going to be alone in the woods until this whole thing was resolved.
Jetfire: And to think you couldn't keep my name straight when you first asked me out here. Seriously though, I've actually grown attached to the lifeforms we keep getting from the calendar. You're not so bad either.
Hound: Thanks. This little guy seems to have taken a shine to you.
Baby Raccoon: Prrrrrr....

Jetfire: You just leaked on my hand.
Baby Raccoon: Prr?
Hey Everybody,
Sorry I posted this so late. (For those that didn't notice, I adjusted the timestamp so that I wouldn't throw off the ordering of the series.) I can only say life happened and throw myself at your mercies.
Expect today's episode this afternoon.
Thanks for reading!
Life happens all the time. No worries.
To keep you inspired- These blogs are hilarious and even Double A is reading them. Please keep up the excellent work! And if you need someone to proof/edit your novel, I am willing to give a read.
Love you!
This is fun!
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