Cyclonus: "I have disabled the Autobots' security system and await your signal to unleash the dimensional locks." Starscream, this spy of yours has atrocious penmanship. Although, I suppose it is hard enough just to HOLD a pen in one's hoof. Still, do you think it is wise to continue with our plans given yesterday's lecture?

Astrotrain: I say we're lucky we haven't been caught yet. We should cut our losses, and this flesh pile's throat. We gotta lay low for a while.
Baby Deer: EEP!

Starscream: We will do no such thing. The true nature of the box in the forest is know only to us. Once we have assembled the pieces to call forth the power it holds, no one can stop us. All we need is a few more subjects to experiment on. Nightstick!

Nightstick: You're orders, Starscream?
Starscream: Go to the forest and find out if any other infant fleshlings have come through. Do not allow yourself to be seen by the Autobots.
Nightstick: Understood, Sir!

In the Woods...
Hound: Spending the night in the forest wasn't so bad. This way we don't have to walk all the way out here every morning to make sure we get the present. Besides, I love the outdoors.
Jetfire: I feel terrible. The ground was wet so now my plating is beginning to rust. The noise is unbelievable. Did you know how loud squirrels are? I didn't. Guess what. THEY'RE LOUD!
Baby Raccoon: Prrrr.
Hound: At least you've got your new buddy.
Jetfire: He loses his charm about the eighth time he leaks on you.

Hound: I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. I appreciate you giving it a try, but I don't need you to stay if you don't really want to.

Jetfire: What are you talking about? I'll stay. Now go get today's present.
Baby Raccoon: Prrr.
Jetfire: Ah! There he goes again.

Around the Corner...
Rocky: Oh, 'ullo.
Hound: Hey there, little guy. I'm Hound. I think we've got a relative of yours in camp.
Rocky: Name's Rocky and there's no one what can prove tha' li'l pisser's mine, 'ere!
Hound: Well, Rocky, there aren't any other raccoons we're on speaking terms with. If you could just--
Rocky: Oh, pish posh! I'm jus' 'avin' you on. 'Course the wanker's mine. Now let's go!

Rocky: 'Ullo, Junior!
Jetfire: He's British?
Hound: I guess.
Baby Raccoon: Prrrrr...
Jetfire: Gah! Get me a cork!

Nightstick: ....

Autobot Base...
Prowl: You two are late. When I post sentry duty, I expect you to report for sentry duty. Where were you?
Grimlock: Me, Grimlock, go looking for Hound with him, Ironhide.
Prowl: You neglected duty to go looking for a deserter? Is this what you would do if Prime was here?
Momma Deer: And what about my son? Your friend Hound can take care of himself. My baby cannot.

Ironhide: Then get your tookus out there an LOOK for him, lady!
Prowl: Prowl, report to the commander's prep room in ten local minutes!
Ironhide: I'll report...when a COMMANDER gets here. Let's fuel up, Grimlock.
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