Monday, January 29, 2007

Bakin' 'Til the Wee Hours

I got to bed at about one this morning. Why? Well because I forgot to bake bread. You see, the spouses of seminarians bake bread for the Eucharist services. Being a male, I could have gotten away with not doing it, but I'm all for shattering stereotypes. That and I love to bake. No, I really do.

When I woke up this morning, I decided I'd finish the first story-arch of my web-comic. I'm done with two episodes and will be finishing the third after I post this. I had been having a bit of a block as to where to go next with the story. You see, I knew where I wanted it to end I was just stuck on how to get there. Toys in hand, it was all coming together. Well, Mercutio decided I was having so much fun that he had to be part of it.
As cute as it was, I was running out of time before I had to leave to pick up Monkey-Girl. Words were exchanged. Feelings may have been bruised. Then Merc got that look in his eye. That, "Oh no, you di'n't!" look. I backed away slowly and told him to have a blast with my toys.
(I hope this isn't my last post . . . .)

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