Sunday, January 21, 2007

Start Here

So, where to begin . . . .

I've started reading other people's blogs, but haven't actually taken the time to track back to the beginning. I suppose that is because I liked the blog as it was as I was reading it and not because of some grand, meticulously crafted mission statement.

This is the main reason I've decided to just jump in without a specific purpose. (The other being that Monkey-Girl has a lot of reading to do for school today and this is a nice quiet activity for me.) We'll see exactly what this ends up evolving into in due course.

Some say that if one fails to plan then one is planning to fail. Well, first off, failing at a free-to-create blog hardly seems like a genuine failure. Secondly, a lot of good things have happened when people have been allowed a free hand, unencumbered by a strict agenda. (Did the Second Continental Congress plan to declare the colonies independence?)

Although I do not expect to spawn anything as wonderful as the United States of America (say what you want; it is the greatest nation on earth flaws and all), I do think this will be something fun. I just don't know what yet.

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