Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snow Day? (oh, pretty please)

I feel a little guilty. I've been watching the Weather Channel website all night. That's not so bad in and of itself. I, however, have been routing a certain storm system on. If all goes as the meteorologists have predicted, we should start seeing a snow storm about midnight that is supposed to last until 8:00. You know what that means? NO SCHOOL!!

You see? Down here in Tennessee they don't have what you call plows. Also, they got this big ol' mountain I'm livin' on. So any accumulation means they have to call of school. That sure beats having to dig your car out of two feet of snow in order to get to school because the superintendent would not close schools.

I must say that I think the schools being closed for the flu, although a little weird, was a good idea. My attendance has been down about 20% lately. Now flu or not I know kids will take advantage of a situation. (I did.) The numbers don't lie. Do you know how hard it is to advance a curriculum with a fifth of your class missing on any given day?

What I'm saying is, let's stop pretending that everything's alright and call off school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya Matthew!
These truly are the days where being a teacher is just the bestest. Ya'll deserve all the days off you can get......recooperate, take a hot bath, have a facial and watch a great movie. I will be peering out my window at the bank, longing for the days where I too, got to be home on a snowday.