Friday, October 2, 2009

Haunted by Illness

haunt-ed (hawn-tid)

1.inhabited or frequented by ghosts: a haunted castle.
2.preoccupied, as with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed: His haunted
imagination gave him no peace
3.disturbed; distressed; worried: Haunted by doubt he again turned to law books on the subject.

I think the third definition definitely fits this little vignette.

Little Phoebe has had a throat infection since Tuesday. Mother Monkey-Girl and I are really worried and distressed about our kiddo.

She's on a strict regimen of medications. We have to give her something at least every three hours. That means setting an alarm for 3:00 am to draw syrup into an oral syringe, creeping into your infant daughter's bedroom, pulling out her pacifier and gently squirting medication down her throat without being too disturbing. Then you reset your alarm to do it again at 6:00 am!

I was able to be with the Phoebster all day Wednesday. It was terrible because she was feeling so bad, but it was wonderful to be able to be with her when she so obviously needed it. There's just something about your little girl crawling into your lap and just resting there.

Oh! I nearly forgot. Mercutio has fleas, AND he's allergic to flea bites. Guess who he loves to cuddle up to at night. This guy.

Yup, the third definition does nicely.

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