Mthr. M-G and I feel terrible. She has some congestion. I'm running a low-grade fever and achy. We both left work early to rest up so we'd be ready for Phoeb-zilla. She melted down immediately after dinner so we put her to bed right away. We cleared the back bedroom to make room for tomorrow's special delivery. Two hours later; Phoebe's finally asleep, the room is clear, cookies are baked, and Momma and Daddy are DONE.
What is coming tomorrow?
Stay tuned . . .
Oh man preparing for naughty... We get Charlotte up at least 45 minutes now (note we have to have ourselves 75%+ ready) just in case she has a tantrum, where you need to fight to put clothes on. At least she is going to daycare now twice a week which rocks. She has grown so much in such a little bit of time.
Feel ya.
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