Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day Four

Bumblebee: I'd like to practice our emergency protocols once more.  We don't want any of you getting hurt now, do we?

Leonard: So say the robots with their big guns.  We didn't need emergency protocols before you came.

Bumblebee: You didn't have criminals running free either.

Leonard: That's not helping your case, bot-boy.

Kid in the Helmet: I think I left the iron on!

Leonard: Shhh.  Grown-ups are talking.

Sideswipe: *whisper* I hope Prime get's here soon.

Bumblebee: *whisper* That makes two of us.


Meanwhile . . . .

Shockwave: You are fortunate, flesh creature.  Your motivations align with ours.  Perhaps Lord Megatron will deign to keep you as a pet.  Come!  We must not keep your new master waiting.

Chuckles: Listen! I ain't nobody's pet, . . . but seein' as  I don't got nothin' else goin' on today I could maybe go see your boss.

Upstairs . . . .

Megatron: The arrangement is simple, fleshling.  Do exactly as I command, and I allow you to keep your skin.

Megatron: So, do we have a deal?

At the Calendar . . . .

Jazz: Let me get this straight.  You are Cooper the copper?  That's crazy, man.

Optimus Prime: Jazz! We must show this human the respect he deserves.  Santa says we should place more faith in these humans.

Officer Cooper: Personally, I don't see why you haven't just hunted this thug down like the dog he is.  I say we send all your Auto-who-sits out and canvas the area.

Prowl: Prime, I have to say I LIKE the way this guy thinks.  Besides Santa said we should be listening to the humans more.

Optimus Prime: Perhaps you are right, Prowl.  I just want to consult the Calendar before we commit to this course of action.

Optimus Prime: So get up there!

Ten Minutes Later . . . .

Optimus Prime: Pieces are nothing to panic about.  Even an inanimate object can speak to us in its way.

Jazz: Why don't you sit down and join us, Prime?  There's plenty of ground to go 'round.

Optimus Prime: Can't.  Thigh-wheels.

Time Passes . . . .

Officer Cooper: Then the mechanic says, "If that's not your wife, the who's in MY car!?"

Prowl: HA!  HA!  I get it.  "MY car!"

Time Passes . . . .

Prowl: Well, we're done, and I think the message is pretty clear.  We have a jail cell here.  It's bring this dirtbag in and lock him up.

Jazz: Prowl, it's a WALL!  Are we just supposed to tell him to be nice and stand behind this until we say so?  Optimus, back me up on this.

Optimus Prime: I agree with Prowl on this. The Calendar wants us to listen to the human.  Let's roll out!

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